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Terms & Conditions

  • Please read these terms and conditions carefully before using this Site.
  • Tailor Made Tours International Limited whose address is The Glasshouse, 49a Goldhawk Road, London W128QP is responsible for the Site.
  • In consideration of Tailor Made Tours international allowing you access to the Site you are deemed to accept our terms and conditions of use. Please read them carefully. If you do not accept these terms and conditions of use, do not use the Site.
  • This legal notice applies to the entire contents of the website under the domain name and and to any correspondence between you and us and to any newsletters or publications downloaded by you or sent to you by us (the “Site”).
  • Whilst every effort has been made to ensure accuracy, no responsibility is taken for any error, omission or mis-statement in this website, and any particulars given do not constitute an offer of contract. No representation or warranty whatever is made or given on this website, and all terms and conditions are subject to change and subject to contract.
  • Our terms and conditions of use may be changed. Please review them regularly. If you continue to use the Site after a change has been made to the terms and conditions of use you are deemed to have accepted it.
  • Disclaimer: Tailor Made Tours International publish event details, in good faith, as supplied by third parties and/or the event organiser. To ensure latest details, please check before travelling.
  • We reserve the right to deny access to this Site at any time without notice.
  • Where we incur any cancellation charges from the supplier of the travel arrangements, these charges will be passed onto you in full.

Use of the Site

  • Tailor Made Tours International Ltd. or its licensors or contributors own the copyright and all other intellectual property rights in the material on the Site. You may not copy, reproduce, republish, download, post, broadcast, transmit, adapt or otherwise use any material on the Site other than for your own personal non-commercial use.

Site User Obligations:

By using this Site you agree that:-

  • you accept financial responsibility for all transactions made under your name or account;
  • you must be 18 years of age or over and have legal capacity;
  • you warrant that all information you provide about yourself and about anyone else shall be true and accurate;
  • this Site must not be used for speculative, false or fraudulent bookings;
  • the transmission of threatening, defamatory, pornographic, political or racist material, or any material that is otherwise unlawful or offensive via this Site is expressly prohibited;
  • this Site and any of its content may not be modified, copied, transmitted, distributed, sold, displayed, licensed or reproduced in any way by you except that one copy of the information contained within the Site may be made by you for personal, non-commercial use.

You may not use the Site:

  • for the posting, uploading, emailing or other transmission of any material, the publication, dissemination, use or possession of which infringes the rights of any person or which is unlawful in any other respect;
  • in any way which is abusive, defamatory or obscene or which will harass, distress or inconvenience any person or which might restrict or inhibit the use and enjoyment of the Site by any person;
  • for the posting, uploading, emailing or other transmission of any unsolicited or unauthorised advertising, promotional materials, “junk mail,” “spam,” “chain letters,” “pyramid schemes,” or any other form of solicitation or commercial exploitation;
  • for the posting, uploading, emailing or other transmission of any material that contains software viruses or any other computer code, files or programs designed to interrupt, restrict, destroy, limit the functionality of or compromise the integrity of any computer software or hardware or telecommunications equipment;
  • to create a database (electronic or otherwise) that includes material downloaded or otherwise obtained from the Site, without written permission from Tailor Made Tours international Limited.
  • to transmit or re-circulate any material obtained from the Site to any third party, without written permission from from Tailor Made Tours international Limited.
  • in such a way so as to remove the copyright or trade mark notice(s) from any copies of any material made in accordance with these terms; or
  • in any way that might bring Tailor Made Tours international Limited into disrepute.
    You must be at least 18 years of age or be accessing the Site with the full consent of a parent or guardian.

Removal of Material and Access to the Site

  • Tailor Made Tours international Limited shall have the right to refuse to allow you access to the Site or any part of it at any time and for any reason without giving you any advance notice.
  • Tailor Made Tours international Limited shall have the right at any time and for any reason to remove from the Site any material posted, uploaded, emailed or otherwise transmitted by you without giving you any advance notice.


  • Whilst effort has been taken to ensure that the Site is free from viruses, Tailor Made Tours international Limited gives no warranties that it is indeed free from viruses and you are responsible for ensuring that you have installed adequate virus checking software.
  • Tailor Made Tours international Limited shall not be responsible for any viruses or any other computer code, files or programs designed to interrupt, restrict, destroy, limit the functionality of or compromise the integrity of any computer software or hardware or telecommunications equipment or other material transmitted with or as part of the Site or any other internet site.


·         Some of the pages on the Site include links to external websites. These are for your convenience only. Tailor Made Tours international Limited does not endorse and is not responsible for the content of these external websites.

Personal Data

  • You agree to provide true, accurate, current and complete information about yourself in any registration or subscription form you complete (“the Registration Information”). You agree to maintain and promptly update the Registration Information to keep it true, accurate, current and complete.
  • Tailor Made Tours international Limited will process your personal data in accordance with, data protection legislation.
  • You hereby agree that the Registration Information (and all updates of the Registration Information) and any other information sent to Tailor Made Tours international Limited by you (“the Personal Data”) may be processed by Tailor Made Tours international Limited for the purposes of:
  • processing your requests;
  • providing you with information by email or other means;
  • providing you with information about products and services of Tailor Made Tours international Limited and other parties;
  • providing a personalised service;
  • statistical analysis and conducting market research surveys;
  • assessing and evaluating the use that is being made of the Site;
  • information and databank compilation and administration.

Changes to the Terms and Conditions of Use

  • Our terms and conditions of use may be changed. Please review them regularly. If you continue to use the Site after a change has been made you are deemed to have accepted it.


  • Whilst every effort has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the information on the Site, no warranty is given as to its accuracy or completeness.
  • Tailor Made Tours international Limited cannot guarantee that you will have uninterrupted access to the Site.

Law and Jurisdiction

  • These terms and conditions of use shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England and Wales. Any disputes arising in relation to the Site shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales.
  • If any of these terms or conditions of use should be determined to be illegal, invalid or otherwise unenforceable, it shall be deemed deleted and the remaining terms and conditions of use shall survive and continue to be binding and enforceable.

Booking Conditions & Site Content/Information:

  • All bookings made on this Site are subject to the relevant supplier’s/tour operator’s booking conditions in addition to these Site conditions. Booking conditions contain limitations and exclusions of liability, and cancellation and amendment charges are payable if a booking is cancelled or amended after it has been confirmed.
  • No warranties, promises or representations of any kind, express or implied, are given as to the accuracy of any of the information on this Site or as to the nature, standard, suitability or otherwise of any services offered by us or on our behalf. We shall not be liable for any loss or damage of whatever nature (direct, indirect, consequential or other) that may arise as a result, directly or indirectly, from the use of any of the information or material contained on this Site and/or the use of or access to any other information or material via web links from this Site, or any inability to access this Site. These exclusions of liability apply only to the extent permitted by law and, except for information or material accessed via other sites or supplied by an identified third party, where consistent with the applicable booking conditions. If any of these exclusions, in whole or in part, are found to be unlawful, void or unenforceable for any other reasons, that exclusion or part of the exclusion shall be deemed severable and shall not affect the validity or enforceability of the other exclusion(s) or part(s) of the exclusion(s) in question.
  • Tailor Made Tours international Limited may change any aspect of this Site or its content, including the availability of any suppliers, features, information, or other content, at any time without notice. The information and prices on this Site are not ‘live’ and are updated from time to time. Every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of all information and prices but, regrettably, errors do occasionally occur. Where a price is obviously incorrect due to a system error, we shall not be bound by such price.
  • This Site is provided on an ‘as is’ and ‘as available’ basis. We do not accept any liability in respect of your inability to access or use this Site at any time or for any interruption in that access or use, or for any failure to complete any transaction. We do not warrant that this Site is free from computer viruses or other properties that may cause loss or damage.

Copyright and Trade Marks:

  • The copyright in the content of this Site belongs to us or to the licensors of such content. We reserve the copyright and all proprietary rights in this Site and all its content. The name ‘Tailor Made Tours international Limited’ and any other marks, logos and graphics of Tailor Made Tours international Limited displayed on this Site are registered trade marks of Tailor Made Tours international Limited or its affiliates. Other company and product/service names displayed on this Site may be the trade marks of their respective owners. You are not granted any right or license to use any trade marks.

Booking Terms and Conditions

(1) Any booking or use of our services implies full knowledge and acceptance of all stated Terms & Conditions.
(2) “We” and “Us” refers to Tailor Made Tours International Ltd, “Online” refers to online reservation system/s and any electronic mean of communication and/or reservation used, “You” and “Buyer” refers to the company reserving travel services with us.

Bookings & Cancellations
(3) All bookings and subsequent alterations and/or cancellations must be confirmed and received in writing.
(4) Communications are deemed received upon our reconfirmation and during office opening hours, London time as per point 33.
(5) Individual bookings for one night only may be subject to a supplement of £ 15.oo.
(6) Group tariffs are valid for a minimum of 10 rooms and bookings are only confirmed on receipt of a deposit.
(7) Full payment must reach our account not later than 8 days prior to passenger/s arrival for individuals. For group bookings, full payment must reach our account not later than 5 weeks prior to passenger/s arrival.
(8) Tours and Groups cancellation deadline is 45 days prior to arrival date unless otherwise stated in correspondence.
(9) Individual (FIT) hotel cancellation deadline is 3 working days prior to arrival date unless otherwise stated.
(10) For all other individual (FIT) services cancellation deadline is 16 working days prior to arrival.
(11) Late cancellations and alteration are subject to charges up to the entire value of the booking.
(12) Other cancellations of each of already confirmed bookings may be subject to an administrative charge varying from £ 10.oo to £ 50.oo .
(13) We reserve the right to charge an administrative fee of £ 15.oo for any and every alteration and amendment of already confirmed bookings, to cover for extra costs.
(14) We will pass on any cost and amounts charged or invoiced by its supplier for said cancellations.

(15) Otherwise not stated all prices we list and quote are net in Pounds Sterling (£ or GBP) inclusive of current VAT.
(16) We reserve the right to amend our prices without prior notice.
(17) All stated and quoted prices remain subject to availability at the time of our reconfirmation.
(18) All stated and quoted prices are valid only for pre-booked and pre-paid services.
(19) All prices stated in our online reservation system might differ from printed or quoted ones and apply only to reservations entirely acted through said system.
(20) Our buyers are responsible for any bank charges related to payments. Unless your bank is instructed to cover for all sender and payee charges or –as standard- we add £ 7.oo Euro 10.oo) standard bank charges to our invoices paid by bank transfer.

(21) For all services we provide, advance payment is required and is accepted only (a) in Cash, Pounds Sterling, to our office in London (b) by International Bank Transfer in the currency stated in pro-forma or invoice directly into our bank account and net of any bank charge (c) by Banker’s International Draft addressed to us and stating the name of a Britain based corresponding bank (d) by your company credit card (at present accepted Visa, Mastercard, Amex and JCB), subject to prior agreement, with the charge of the credit card fees at actual cost.
(22) We are unable to collect cash payments on arrival or to accept personal or your customers credit card.
(23) No other payment method or currencies are accepted and considered effective if not previously agreed.
(24) We may cancel bookings not secured with deposit or prepayment received by the stated deadline.

Invoice Queries
(25) Queries on invoices, credit notes and pro-forma must be raised in writing and received within 15 days from the date of issue. Elapsed this period the billing document is considered cleared and payment fully due.

(26) We reserve the right to charge monthly commercial interests at the rate of 2% for any delay in payment whatsoever reason.

Conditions & Disclaimers
(27) It is in our buyers –legally qualified Tour Operators & Travel Agents- full responsibility to pass to their final customers any relevant description, information, note, cancellation and penalty term we supply as well as to comply with all relevant legislation concerning tourism, licensing, travel insurance, bonds and complaints procedures.
(28) We act only in the capacity of booking agents for the requested travel services and cannot be held responsible for acts, faults, omissions or delays caused by suppliers nor for any loss, theft, injury, accident, damage or death suffered in any circumstances whatsoever. We strongly recommend to advice final customers to take appropriate travel insurance cover.
(29) We reserve the right to amend the indicated overnight stops and related itineraries of tours and extended excursions forced by technical reasons. Alterations will not affect the total number of nights/days programme and will be notified to the buyer as soon as they become effective.
(30) All net rates we provide are confidential to the travel trade only, must be used as part of packages and cannot be used alone and/or disclosed to third parties whatsoever.
(31) Complaints about services we reserved must be informed verbally at the time of the happening and must be confirmed in writing complete of all supporting documentation and evidence not later than 15 days past the event.
(32) Any subsequent agreement shall be construed and take effect in all respects in accordance with English law.

Online and Electronic Means Supplementals
(33) Bookings, alteration and cancellations made online or by any electronic mean are considered as effective at the date/time we retrieve them during office hours according to English calendar and time zone.
(34) Whatsoever dispute arises on transactions effected on the online system, the transactions and sequences stored in provider central server or our system are to be deemed correct and binding.
(35) We cannot be held responsible for any direct or indirect damage caused by use, misuse, delay, loss of data, loss of communication on the online system which software is developed and central server is equipped with reasonable features to prevent such events.
(36) Buyers using an online reservation system remain responsible for installation, system compatibility, connections, staff training and safe keeping of their access codes.
(37) Transactions appearing on our screens as coming from a buyer are to be considered genuine and the buyer financially responsible for them.
(38) We reserve the rights to suspend or cancel buyer access to the online system without prior notice.
(39) This issue supersedes all previous editions.